Making The Ground Beef and Vegetables
This recipe has the perfect medley of vegetables and spices that have a magical taste that will keep you drooling between each bite! The Butternut Squash and Maple Syrup mixed into this recipe add a sweetness that is so DeLish!
1 lb Ground Grass Fed Beef Extra Lean
1 Yellow Onion
1 Large Garlic Clove
1 Cup Cubed Butternut Squash
2 Cups Chopped Mushrooms
2 Cups Broccoli
Handful Fresh Italian Parsley
Coconut Butter Ghee or Coconut Oil
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Dried Oregano
Dried Sage
Smoked Paprika
1 Tbsp Maple Syrup
1. Gather all ingredients chop and set aside
2. Use a Cast Iron Pot if available or large pan and Saute Onions in 2 Tbsp on Coconut Butter Ghee or Coconut Oil until transparent
3. Add Butternut Squash and Chopped Garlic
4. Keep a glass of water on hand to splash into the pot if the pan starts to brown, keep heat at a medium to high heat
5. Add Mushrooms and cook for 3-5 minutes
6. Add Sea Salt, Black Pepper, Dried Oregano, Smoked Paprika and Dried Sage
7. Now add the Ground Beef and allow the Beef cook for about 5 minutes stir to combine beef with vegetables
8. Add Fenugreek and Maple Syrup
9. Add the Broccoli and Fresh Parsley combine and cover so broccoli can steam
10. Lower the heat and allow to simmer until the broccoli is tender about 10 minutes