Making The Meatballs and Mayo
I like to call these meatballs “Super Power Meatballs” That is because of the addition if Liver which adds great nutrition to this dish. This is a great way to include liver into your diet especially if you do not enjoy the texture or taste of Liver, in this dish you wont even taste it.
1 lb Ground Grass Fed Beef (Extra Lean)
1 lb Ground Free Range Pork
2 Pieces Grass Fed Beef Liver
1 Medium Yellow onion
3 Cloves garlic
2 tbsp Sun Dried Tomato (In Oil)
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Milled Flax Seed
Handful Fresh Italian Flat Leaf Parsley
Sea Salt
Fresh Cracked Black Pepper
Dried Oregano
Smoked Paprika
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1. Preheat oven to 400F
2. Place Beef and Pork into a large mixing bowl
3. In Food Processor Combine Onion, Garlic, Parsley, Liver, Egg, Sun Dried Tomato, Milled Flax Seed, and All Seasonings
4. Mix in the food Processor until all is combined approximately 30 Seconds to a Minute
5. Add all the ingredients from the Food Processor to the meat
6. Hand mix all the ingredients until fully combined
7. Hand Roll all the meat into meatballs and spread evenly on to a baking sheet
8. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes
9. Serve with Mayo and your favorite salad