“You can still indulge your senses with delicious Paleo Banana Bread, and feel good about eating it!” ~Christina
Making The Paleo Banana Walnut Bread
Mmm… Nothing like the smell of Homemade Banana Bread Baking in the oven. If your like me your have probably been making or enjoying Banana Bread for years, so the question is can you enjoy Banana Bread and eat Paleo at the same time without sacrificing the fabulous flavor we have grown accustomed to?
Well turns out the answer is yes!
In making Banana Bread for years, it has always been one of my specialties. So, I wanted to do an experiment to find out if it was possible to capture the same flavor using clean ingredients. Here’s what I came up with and I wanted to share it with you.
½ Cup Coconut Flour
½ Cup Milled Flax Seed
½ Cup Milled Chia Seed
1 ½ Cups Almond Flour
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Nutmeg
1 tsp Cinnamon
6 Eggs
5 Bananas( Very Ripe and browning work the best)
½ Cup Coconut Sugar
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
½ Cup Coconut Ghee (melted)
6 Mission Figs (Chopped)
4 Dates (Remove Pit and Chopped)
1 ½ Cups Walnut Halves (Chopped)
1. Preheat Oven to 350F
2. Combine first 8 ingredients from the list these al most of the dry ingredients
3. Separate the yolk from all 6 eggs
4. In a larger bowl beat the egg whites till stiff peaks form and set aside
5. In another bowl mash the brown Bananas and set aside
6. In the bowl with the egg yolks add Coconut Sugar, Vanilla, and Melted Coconut Ghee
7. Mix the egg yolk mixture with a hand mixer until it has a creamy texture about 2 minutes
8. Add the mashed Banana and continue to mix with the hand mixture until completely combined
9. Fold in the Egg Whites and Egg Banana mixture until fully combined
10. Add the Dry ingredients and mix until the bread batter is fully combined
11. Add Chopped Walnuts, Dates, and Figs
12. Combine mixture and pour into 2 lightly greased Loaf Pans I used Coconut Ghee to grease pans and put a layer of parchment paper at the bottom of the pan to make it easy to remove after baking.
13. Bake in the Oven at 350F for 45-50 minutes. Near the end of cooking I stab the loaf with a knife and if the knife comes out clean I know the loaf is ready.