Recipe #4 | Dark Chocolate Almond Cookies

Posted by on Jan 5, 2013 in Paleo Diet Recipes | 6 comments

Recipe #4 | Dark Chocolate Almond Cookies

Making Dark Chocolate Almond Cookies

These cookies are simple to make and taste amazing! My husband loves chocolate and he loves cookies and since starting a Paleo way of eating he asked me to create something that could fill his desire and still be healthy. These cookies are a Paleo treat, they are grain-free, and sweetened naturally. Enjoy!



1 tbsp Coconut Oil
1 tbsp Ghee or Butter
1/2 Cup Coconut Sugar
2 tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1/4 Cup almond milk
1 Egg
1 Cup Whole Almonds
½ cup Sliced Almonds
1 cup Shredded Coconut
½ cup Chia Seeds
½ cup Ground Flax Seed
8 Squares 70% Chocolate



1. Preheat oven to 375F
2. Melt the ghee and coconut oil in a small sauce pan on low heat then transfer to a mixing bowl
3. Add coconut sugar, vanilla, sea salt, almond milk and egg into the butter and oil mixture
4. Whisk the ingredients until combined approximately 1 min
5. In a food processor grind up whole almonds until in the consistency of coarse salt
6. Add shredded coconut, flax seeds, chia seeds, and sliced almonds and mix till combined
7. Line baking sheets with parchment paper
8. 1 Tbsp of cookie mixture on to the baking sheet and form the mixture into small round cookie shapes. Flatten cookie down with spoon to get desired thickness.
9. Baked for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown
10. Allow cookies to cool for 5 -10 minutes before spreading melted chocolate on cookies


Process for Chocolate:

1. Put a small stainless steel mixing bowl over a pot of hot water to make a double boiler (Pot of water should only be half full)
2. Add chocolate to the bowl and allow the chocolate to melt slowly over medium to low heat
3. When the chocolate is melted spread chocolate over each cookie
4. Allow to cool and serve


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  1. 1-7-2013

    Christina, we need more of these… Someone ate them all!

    • 1-8-2013

      Ya you ate them all!

  2. 1-7-2013

    Oh, I can't wait to make these for Rene and I!

    • 1-7-2013

      Food is love 🙂

    • 1-7-2013

      Very True my Dear. xo

      Christina Marino (from Paleo Appetite) is a dear friend of mine and I've been privileged to have her home cooked meals which are healthy AND easy (good for me).

      Make sure to like and follow her Paleo Appetite for great ideas, I promise you it will be worth it! 🙂

    • 1-8-2013

      Thank you for your support! You are amazing! I have more food cooking for you!

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